What is HTML?

HTML is a Language of the web which makes use of tag to build the structure and layout of a webpage. The full meaning of HTML is (Hyper Text Markup Language). Broken down, this means - a language that builds markup or structure by employing an advanced style of writing text, in this case, they are called “TAGS”.

When was it Founded

HTML language till date has had a lot of version releases each coming with upgraded features . The first version of HTML was written by Tim Berners-Lee in 1993. Since then, there have been many different versions of HTML. The most widely used version throughout the 2000’s was HTML 4.01, which became an official standard in December 1999. Another version, XHTML, was a rewrite of HTML as an XML language.

How can I Learn HTML?

HTML is the basic most popular markup language that is used to build webpages around the world. The process of Learning HTML is fairly easy in the beginner stages and involves understanding of HTML Tags, their uses and how they can be arranged to create meaningful page structure.

To use HTML for “Website Development”, some other factors need to be considered, nothing hard or advanced, it simply involves identifying your personal goal for website development. It comes mainly in two areas - Proffessional or as a hobbyist with considerable grey areas in between. As a beginner, it is totally understandable to not have a goal or insight about the path you want to take as you progress.

In the tutorials that follow, my goal is to teach you HTML and other web Languages like CSS, Bootstrap and Javascript for you to be equipped with enough initiaticve to know how to build any custom website you want. My words may not be too clear for you, but I’m not going to tell you - “I will teach you everything about Wordpress”, because “You can learn that yourself in a few months” after you have learnt “Languages of the Web”. My ideology is this - If you want to learn web Development in 2021, learn it the modern way. I hope to teach you this.

Where do I begin?

I was a stark beginner to coding and webdevelopment just like you in January 2020, with this in mind, I want to outline the path I took that made me so capable of achieving anything I wanted involving building websites - for clients, personally and even tutoring comfortably.

In the next few posts, I would do my best to simplyfy the whole process and coding involved to make it approachable as possible for beginners. Most of the lessons would be accompanied with videos for those that learn best that way.